2016 ECM & Cloud File Sharing Market Analysis
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2015 has been a year of major upheavals for many large ECM vendors. First, HP sold its iManage range of products back to its original owner; as a result, iManage is now an independent company. EMC acquired cloud-based, file sharing and sync service Syncplicity, but divested it to a private-equity firm and then — in a blockbuster deal — EMC itself got acquired by Dell.
Box, which became a significant player in the crowded cloud-based, file-sharing and sync marketplace, pivoted to a broader ECM offering. It now offers workflows and other document management features, thus competing directly with full-service document management offerings.
Dropbox, a mostly consumer-oriented file sync-and-share service, has discontinued a few consumer apps to focus more on the enterprise segment.
This transformation is far from complete. You can expect even more changes in 2016.