Our Team: Jarrod Gingras

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About Jarrod

Jarrod Gingras is Managing Director and an Analyst covering Digital Workplace and Marketing technology across the enterprise information landscape including web content management and enterprise content management.

Jarrod is a more than 20 year veteran of the content technology industry, starting his career as a web developer and information architect. Prior to joining The Real Story Group in 2007, Jarrod worked as an information architect and user interface designer at a systems integration firm, where he developed user-focused content management strategies and solutions for clients in the financial services, retail, healthcare, insurance, and manufacturing industries.

Since joining The Real Story Group, Jarrod has contributed to research across the enterprise information landscape, with a special focus on the end-user experience for the technologies we evaluate. He has also advised clients such as the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Nokia, and MIT-Sloan Business School on their enterprise information challenges.

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