Frequently Asked Questions

Purchasing Our Research

  • Can I just download the evaluations without subscribing?

    Yes. Simply select "one-time download" (a.k.a., "Basic") and you'll get a PDF of the complete evaluation report. If you want to receive ongoing updates, best-practice briefings, and personalized advisory time with an analyst, then you'll want to subscribe.

  • Can't I just subscribe to *all* your research like I do with other analyst firms?
    Yes, you can. We offer sitewide subscriptions that entitle you to all research at a substantial discount.
  • What are my payment options?

    You can pay by credit card at our secure online store and obtain a login to your research in minutes.

    Alternatively, you can subscribe via purchase order by simply submitting a P.O. number and any other instructions via e-mail, or faxing a P.O. to us at +1 617 340 3541. You will be sent download instructions via e-mail. If you have any questions about this process, call our customer care line at +1 617 340 6464, or 800 325 6190 (North America only).

  • What is your refund policy?
    We offer a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee. If you are dissatisfied with our research, write us within 30 days and we'll provide a 100% refund. Simply fax or mail us a signed letter on your company's letterhead explaining the reason for your return and certifying that you have destroyed all electronic and print versions of all research.
    Fax: +1 617 340 3541
    Real Story Group
    3470 Olney-Laytonsville Road
    Suite 131
    Olney, MD
    USA 20832
  • Do we receive a discount if we subscribe more than one stream at a time?
    Yes. You receive a discount ranging from 5% to 33% for additional research streams, depending on the subscription duration. This discount is applied automatically when you use our secure storefront. You receive the same discount if you subscribe to multiple streams via an institutional purchase order.

    Sitewide subscriptions (to all channels) are the most cost-effective of all. Contact us for details.

Have a different question?

Problems with your Subscription

  • What's the difference between an "Admin" and a "Regular" subscriber at my organization?
    Admin subscribers can administer your organization's account with us. This includes:
    • Designating other subscribers as Admins
    • Adding and removing users
    • Scheduling advisory time
    • Renewing your subscription online
  • How can I become an Admin user for my organization's subscription?
    Have another Admin at your organization designate you. Contact us if you need help.
  • My login/password doesn't work, or I can't remember it. What do I do?
    Your login is always your e-mail address.

    Click the "Forgot password?" link in the "My Research" box on any page, to reset your password and have a new one e-mailed to you. After logging in, you can change to your preferred password.

    Still having problems? Contact us and we'll work with you to sort it out.

About Our Research

  • I want to subscribe; can you help me justify the expense to management?

    Sure. Explain that for less than 1-2% of your total project expense, you can substantially reduce your risks by:

    • Understanding vendor pricing and mitigating potential cost surprises.
    • Reducing the likelihood of selecting a vendor or product that proves ill-suited for your needs.
    • Making sure that you are considering all the plausible vendors for your project size and scope.
    • Educating you about the many pitfalls encountered by those who went before you.

    You can also reduce your company's time and resources by:

    • More quickly coming up with an accurate vendor shortlist without sitting through mind-numbing demos.
    • Having ready access to a list of questions to ask yourself (and your bidders).
    • Being guided by a step-by-step solution selection approach focused on finding the right match for your needs.
    • Keeping at your fingertips detailed technical and historical information about dozens of vendors.

  • What makes your research different from buyers' guides?
    We provide more than simple checklist charts; we explain the real differentiators among products and vendors, which stem from how they execute certain features and what makes certain offerings better or worse suited to particular use-cases. We talk to real customers and dig into the products at depth, to explain how they work and whether they might be right for you. Also, we're simply much tougher on the vendors; we take the customer's viewpoint. See what else makes us different.
  • How do I know your evaluations are truly independent?

    We are not affiliated with any vendor, period. None of the analysts on our team consult with, advise, or otherwise work with vendors. Other analyst firms frequently struggle to reconcile potential conflicts of interest between consulting for buyers and advising vendors. We have decided to make our lives simpler by never advising -- or working in any capacity -- with vendors. We don't publish their white papers. We won't speak at their conferences or sanctify their webinars. We don't wine and dine on their tab. We work only for you, the technology buyer.

    You can read more about our distinct approach here.

  • What happens when you update your vendor evaluations?
    We update our vendor evaluations on an ongoing basis. If you are a subscriber, you'll receive notices alerting you about each vendor review that's been updated. Please note: if you are not a subscriber, you will not receive updated evaluations. Contact us for more details.
  • We already subscribe to Forrester, Gartner, etc. -- why should we subscribe to you?

    Many of our customers subscribe to multiple research outlets, to get a rounder perspective before making key technology and implementation investments. But, we're different. Customers tell us our research is more deeply technical and harder-hitting than they find elsewhere. We also typically cover more vendors around the globe at a time when you have an unprecedented breadth of choices in technology suppliers.